Funny, I thought I wrote that EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH was a total piece of dogshit moronic comedy, but in case I didn't: EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTHS is a total piece of dogshit moronic comedy.

Besides, Dane Cook is really overrated as a stand-up. Decent, sure. Otherwise, he isn't anymore special than the generic white comic. Let him impress me behind the mic before he jumps to the big screen(though apparently, since EMPLOYEE failed like many of his jokes, he will be forced to. Not like that is a bad thing. Hell, Robin Williams' film career almost died before it began with POPEYE).

Anyway, The biggest reason why I despise the TEXAS CHAINSAW remake from Michael Bay is the cinematography. Everyone looks pretty, the scenery looks pretty. The problem is, so does the gore and the backwoods of Texas(which I've seen, and they aren't pretty).

That's why Rob Zombie impresses me. When he wants to show something that really is a shitty dump, he gives us a shitty dump, whatever it be a run-down gimmick store, trailer park, brothel, etc.

Besides, TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE: THE BEGINNING, amazing how the origin of Leatherface and his precious blade is that its just there, and he picks it up. Wow, how....lame.