Originally Posted By: bogey
OMG He is sooooooooooooooooooo hot lolol Posh is so lucky!!!!1 OMG and we r soooooooo lucky 2 b/c now we get 2 see him all the time loloolol!!!11

You're getting a bit too good at this. Recently I saw someone write this: "lolz". What the hell is that? It's not even an acronym anymore, unless the Z stands for something. Like "I'm laughing out loud, Zia!" Or is it supposed to make it plural? Why would you need more than one? Is it meant to represent the above "loloollol", when they add a whole bunch and throw in extra letters? What is it, you're typing too fast to backspace, at this point? I don't know, I'm at a loss. It's getting out of hand, this teenage retarded internet-speak.

I bet "Posh" uses it too. And... we're back. There ya go, full circle.