CHILDREN OF MEN (2006) - *****

Folks, Capo was friggin right.

THE FOUNTAIN is a really great film, but CHILDREN OF MEN is a sci-fi drama where its massive and gaudy autuer ambitions are actually matched. It is the best film fo 2006, and I can't believe that I just saw that year's only masterpiece.

My friend complained that the film was too depressing. That's like saying that STAR WARS is too exciting. CHILDREN OF MEN's future is a depressing reality where there is no hope, personified in British government worker Clive Owen. Women are infertile, mankind will become extinct, and there is nothing that can be done.

Yet after he makes a discovery of a pregnant woman among the ranks of a countryside militia army, he is given a reason to give a damn now. In a time when the government and terrorist militia groups are no better or worse, there is a noble mission now.

Really, it would be a damn shame if this movie doesn't get serious noms, though its probably likely to get script and cinematography nominations.

I'll have to think of more appropriate and dignified words to add in regards to CHILDREN OF MEN, but when the most powerful scene throughout cinema in 2006 is the divine walk through the war-fighting apartment building that force both armed sides to pause to gaze upon an actual miracle, you have a special film that truely should be seen by everyone*.

*=Yes, even Irishman, who'll declare it boring and too long.