I love it. The guy is past his prime but I've warmed to the guy. It's a good move for the MLS, I know I'd take a bit of interest in it, and there's probably alot of similar people like me.

Alright, he's being paid a bomb but apprantly the club have already, in a day, sold 1000 season tickets because of it. If you're worth that much to club you deserve your cut. Yeah he's a marketing icon, he'll sell a ton of shirts, but he's still a very good footballer. One of the best at dead ball situations though he's slower now if the game has any pace - he certainly will struggle tracking back but his effort is always an A.

His academy is in the US, and I think LA anyway, that must have had a major part on his decision too. I seriously wish him all the best and think it is the best move for him.

So die all who betray Giuliano