I'm sure you all heard about this by now, since it's getting more news coverage than a major assassination or something (at least here), plus people have been talking about it since summer... but David Beckham signed with the L.A. Galaxy today. Long story short, he's getting $250 million for 5 years, which is almost a million dollars per week. For that kind of money, he better win the championship all five years. Psh! Won't be easy with an 11 and 15 team (39 pts) though... But I can't say it's not a little bit exciting, even though he's not my favorite player or anything. But it's something, you know? Some kind of interest in the (yawn) MLS.

Click here for the story from the L.A. Times.

By the way, I have a feeling we're gonna get sick of his wife very, very fast.

Last edited by Letizia B.; 01/12/07 02:22 AM.