Texiera Eventually Heading to New York

Source: Arlington Star-Telegram
by Jennifer Floyd Engel

ARLINGTON -- Mark Teixeira is exactly the type of player good franchises build around, which is why it should surprise nobody the Rangers are frittering him away.

Not at this very moment. Not exactly.

Tex has another two years as a Ranger before he becomes a free agent and, most noteworthy, a Scott Boras free agent. Mr. Greedy Gut's presence in this equation is why everybody anticipates Tex to sign elsewhere, most likely New York, when given a choice.

We'll all cry, "Damn free-spending Yankees!" and we'll only be half right.

Because the Rangers will have had a chance, in winter 2006, to give themselves a chance at Tex. Re-signing him has to begin now, or else it will become about simply throwing A-Fraud money at him in hopes he values cash ahead of winning. Don't bank on that, not with Tex.

Oh, silly money is going to be needed to sign him. Talent like Teixeira's does not come cheap. Neither will Michael Young, if we're being honest.

Crazy money is rarely enough, though, in Texas.

Look at Barry Zito. He is the most eligible bachelor in free agency and, to his credit, Owner Hicks cleared Jon Daniels to slap down a realistic bid in hopes of enticing him to marry them. So why does just about every baseball expert say, "No way?" Why does everybody think he signs with the NY Mets -- even if it means a little less money?

Now, I do not know Zito, but "why" seems pretty simple to me. Nobody thinks anybody can win in Texas.

And if that is what people who have never lived through a disappointing Rangers season believe, what must be going through Teixeira's and Young's brains? What do you think he will be thinking after another couple of mediocre years?

Here's a guess: Get me the hell out of here.

This is why keeping Tex (and Young) has to begin right now, with signing Zito and possibly Mark Mulder, with adding another bat to this lineup to hit behind Teixeira, with spending -- not dumping -- cash.

Hicks took a big and necessary step in that direction this off-season when he dumped Buck Showalter. My guess is his absence gave JD a fighting chance of re-signing Tex and adding a Zito-like pitcher.

Winning is how teams like Texas have a fighting chance to keep guys like Tex, and he is worth keeping.

For baseball reasons. For a lot of reasons. For Friday.

Tex hosted his first Holiday Hold 'Em poker tournament benefiting a charitable fund that bears his name. And unlike Greedy Gut client A-Fraud, Tex's charity actually benefits Texans.

He sponsored six scholarships in the DFW area this year. He plans to double that in 2007. He has a deal with Habitat for Humanity to build a home for a local family.

He plays here. He lives here. He gives back here.

He is exactly the kind of athlete we always say we want, talented and dedicated and charitable and personable. He is exactly the kind of player good franchises use as building blocks for long-term winning. And frittering him away is not the only option.

Start by signing Zito, and then see how good franchises are made.

I guess A-Rod is only a great guy when he's on your team...otherwise, it's okay to slander him and make fun of him.

Who were the retards that gave him his ginormous contract? 'Nuff said.