
The Yankees
| Jan 06 2007 06:33 AM PST By wrightright
Topics: Johnson Clemens Mulder Wells Estes Trashsel Weaver Park Armas Davis Gonzalez Webb
In baseball, the big spender is the Yankees. Everyone knows that. They could afford any one in baseball. They name the price and it's done, but the Yankees are doing something different this year. Instead of going after veteran pitchers like Barry Zito, Jeff Suppan, Mark Mulder, and even former Yank David Wells, they are going after the young, inexperienced pitchers like Chien-Ming Wang and Kei Igawa. They also hope to bring Clemens back into the rotation, which I think would be a dumb move. Though Roger Clemens has proved he can still pitch, he's 44. A year older than the rocket. How much longer can he go? He's no Julio Franco. Why waste valueable money and space on your roster for Clemens? You can spend money on getting young players who have a future in baseball and will be around for more than a couple of years.

Getting rid of Randy Johnson will be a good move for the Yankees, opening up money and a spot on the rotation, but both a Stupid move and a Smart move for the D-Backs. Let's look at the good from getting Randy. You got a young pitching staff that consists of Brandon Webb (4 years experience), Livian Hernandez (10 years experience), Douglas Davis (7 years experience), and Edgar Gonzalez (4 years experience). You aquire Randy Johnson (Who will be going on 20 years in the MLB) you add another man to the rotation as well as an experienced pitcher who could help improve the game of the other pitchers. He could still give you over ten wins, and probably much more. Thing is, he's only got 3 years max left in the Majors. He's 43 and aging fast. If you want an experienced pitcher, you have David Wells, Steve Trashsel, Jeff Weaver, Mark Mulder, Chan Ho Park, TOny Armas, Shawn Estes, and many more pitchers who have experience and can get you over ten wins. Plus, they will be much cheaper than the Big Unit. Livian Hernandez has experience, but I think the D-Backs need to add one more experienced pitcher to be able to put them in contention for the playoffs.

Source: ProTrade.com


Hmm, I didn't realize Chien-Ming Wang was an inexperienced pitcher anymore, and that the Yankees were pursuing him?