What do you hate about the beginning of GOLDENEYE anyway?

Of course, GOLDFINGER is the shit. Probably the only comic bookish Bond movie that never falls into the self-parody trap of camp and sillyness that Moore's 007 works would repeatedly do.

Glad that you quite dug CASINO ROYALE as well.

Of course OHMSS is pretty good, and of course, Irish would hate it. Too predictable these days, I'm afraid.

While Lazenby doesn't draw a light as Bond, he doesn't fail either. What I dug about OHMSS is that while previous and subsequent Bond efforts would have the hero crack a safe as easily as a box of Cracker Jacks, OHMSS shows how cracking locks take effort and time.

I did like the opening. It threatens to be camp non-sense when Lazenby breaks the fourth wall and refer to Connery, but its funny.

But mostly, maybe its the tragedy of the ending. While each of those Bond flicks always have the gadget-popping hero score with the girl at the end, they never come back. Bond is a womanizer, but whatever because its his nature, or its dictated by fate, who knows. But those 007 movies rarely talk about such a fact for Bond, though GOLDENEYE did mention it.

When OHMSS didn't make as much money as say GOLDFINGER or YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE did, alot of people asserted that downer ending of OHMSS is why it failed.

What a crock of shit. CASINO ROYALE, if you will, had a downer ending, and guess what? Its the highest grossing Bond film ever, with $63 million over the amazingly mediocre DIE ANOTHER DAY.