Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Does anyone know how many days it is until spring training??

Tickets are available on the Yankees website and it looks like the first game is on March 1st again the Minnesota Twins.

DJ, I read today that the Yanks could use some of these young arms to perhaps sway Minnesota to trade Johan Santana (I believe he's going to be a free agent at the end of the 2008 season and will command a BIG contract that Minnesota won't be able to give him). At least this way they can get some young talent and the Yanks can get an AL Cy Young winner. Think that would be a smart move?

Finally, it really ticks me off. The Yankees hardly spend any money this offseason, but rather rebuild their farm system that so many (mostly boston fans on this board) have said was "depleted." Now the Yankees are going against the norm, throwing caution/money to the wind on players, and thinking ahead to the future by trading big name players with big contracts to get pitching prospects. Do the Yankees get a "pat on the back?" NO!. Are the Yankees still "hurting" baseball? NO! But were are the stories about this? Whereas boston grossly overpays for Matsuzaka and San Francisco does the same with Barry Zito, and they're "applauded" for their efforts to improve their teams. I just hate how hypocritical the media and baseball fans are!