Ohio State beat UT when the latter was ranked #2. OSU beat Michigan when the latter was ranked #2. OSU won their conference and went undefeated - that's why they're playing for the title. I'm not sure where you were going with that comment.

Penn State sucked this year, especially compared to last year. PSU lost 4 games in 2006 and had only 1 loss last year. I should amend my statement - the games that ND won weren't against very high quality opponents and they lost all of their games in convincing fashion against good teams. They certainly deserved a bowl bid, but I don't think they were worthy of a BCS game and they proved to be an inferior team the past two years in BCS games.

I know you root for them - just because a criticism of ND is written does not, in any way, mean it's an attack on you.