Hey everybody,

I'm new to the forum and apologize if these ideas have been posted before. I have some ideas for casting ideas for a possible fourth Godfather film. (Again I apologize if this has been posted before.)
Vito Corleone: Robert De Niro, with make-up and dyed hair he could pass off for 30-40 years old Vito.

Michael:As much as i hate to say it i don't think he would been seen to much in flashback seens,but thats just my opinion. Maybe Michael Imperioli? Of course he would be played by Pacino in the Vincent storyline

Sonny:Scott Caan. Has to be, looks alot like his dad at that age.

Fredo:Edward Norton

Clemenza:Paul Sorvino or James Gandolfi

Tessio:Ray Liotta?

Tom Hagen:?

Carmella Corleone:Lorraine Bracco


Feel free to comment or add your own ideas to try and help me to write a sequel!