Originally Posted By: klydon1

Another record that likely won't be touched is Charley Radbourn's 59 victories in a singlr season for the Providence Grays in 1884. Even the modern day record of 41 victories by Happy Jack Chesboro of the Yankees appears unattainable for the same reasons that Cy Young's record of 511 career wins is beyond reach. Cy Young also has the career record of losses (316) that won't be broken.

Walter Johnson's record of 110 creer shutouts won't be broken either.

Wow, I was thinking Denny McClain had the record at 30 wins. 41 is amazing. Nobody is going to even hit 30 in a regular season, IMO.

Another one is Brett Favre's consequtive starts at the QB position.

Finally, I do not think anyone will touch George Blanda's 340 NFL games played in a career. That's over 21 regular seasons during a 16 week schedule and I'm fairly certain he did most (if not all) on a 14 week season.