A record that I don't think will be broken are Sam Crawford's carrer record for triples at 309. The most triples by an active player are 124 by Steve Finley, who is 41. Carl Crawford has 64 and is only 24 years old, but reaching 200 triples would still be a stretch for him. The triples decline substantiallyin your 30's. The smaller ball parks and symmetrical outfields of today cut down on triples.

Another record that likely won't be touched is Charley Radbourn's 59 victories in a singlr season for the Providence Grays in 1884. Even the modern day record of 41 victories by Happy Jack Chesboro of the Yankees appears unattainable for the same reasons that Cy Young's record of 511 career wins is beyond reach. Cy Young also has the career record of losses (316) that won't be broken.

Walter Johnson's record of 110 creer shutouts won't be broken either.