I realize this is only news but I still thought it was worthy enough to discuss:

Deep Does Mercury?

It would seem that a natural progression for Johnny Depp after modeling Jack Sparrow after a flamboyant, slightly effeminate classic rocker would to be to actually play a flamboyant, slightly effeminate classic rocker. And, according to The Independent, that's exactly what he may be doing in the not too distant future. Depp's apparently been approached about portraying Queen frontman Freddie Mercury in a biopic being developed by Robert DeNiro's company, Tribeca Productions. Queen guitarist, Brian May, recently confirmed that the film is in active development, mentioning "Discussions are at an early stage" and had this to say about Depp possibly playing Mercury: "He would be a worthy counterpart for Freddie on screen. I don't think I can say any more right now."

Source: JoBlo

I believe Johnny Depp can play ANY part put in front of him and I think he would make a GREAT Freddie Mercury. Thoughts?