[QUOTE]Originally posted by JustMe:
[QB] ...i can't find why are you getting mad. After all, there was nothing personal! (C)

Actually JustMe...from your initial rant about Kay it was YOU who appeared to be pretty mad at a fictional character from a movie adapted from a work of fiction:

Originally posted by JustMe:
Kay will go to hell!
She is the most ugly charakter in the film!
She killed the unborn child who had never done any harm to anyone! And it was her own child! Michael, whom she accused of cruelty and murders, wold never think of such a thing! So she is the worst murderer of them all, most cruel and unpardonable! Hateful lousy brute. I regret he didn't kill her.

Not too difficult to determine which of us is more [Linked Image] !!


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.