Red Motorola Razr (actually got it a few weeks ago)
Scarface Blanket
Fleece NY Jets Blanket
2 New Flannel Shirts
New Phillips Coffee/Cappuccino Maker
$70 (combined)
"Vader was Framed" shirt
Donkey Kong shirt
"Say Hello to My Little Friend" Pacino Shirt
New Arazona Pants
"There are Mutha_______Snakes on this Mutha_______Plane" Samuel L Jackson shirt
Framed Canvas of Tony Soprano (compliments of LA Artworks)
Framed Picture and Production info for Scarface
The Audacity of Hope by Senator Barack Obama
Cosa Nostra by Peter McCurtin
A Good Man is Hard to Find Frank Sinatra CD
Black and White Rat Pack Ocean's 11 Pool Poster

I got more, but that's all I can think of at this time.

Yesterday when I was granted the power to shop for myself once again, I made a few purchases at the local Sam Goody. Bought the Billy Joel My Lives and the Oliver Stone Collector's Edition Box Set. Also ordered a new coat from JcPenney. Afterwards I bought The Good German on paperback.

Last edited by Tony Love; 12/27/06 06:28 PM.

"Any American who is prepared to run for president should automatically, by definition, be disqualified from ever doing so"-Gore Vidal
"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and enemy of growth"-John Fitzgerald Kennedy
"The reason the mainstream is thought of as a stream is because of its shallowness"-George Carlin