Apple! I don't see any horse here, high or low, except the poor Khartoom. smile
If someone had said that she is a - well - what she really is smile before my coming to the boards, i'm glad. I wouldn't come if i wasn't sure there are many clever and interesting people here. smile And i can't find why are you getting mad. After all, there was nothing personal! (C)
Originally posted by mr. soprano:
well first let me say how disgusted i am with some of you women going on about how kay is going to hell for abortion. i wonder if it's because of your religious beliefs, or your personal beliefs? i am catholic and i do believe that it is a woman's choice whether or not she wants to have a baby. i don't exactly agree with a married woman having an abortion, but nonetheless it was her choice. don't get me wrong, she's a bitch for doing it. but it's her body. let's take aways some of your rights to vote and see if you like that. take away your rights to wear any type of clothing you want and see how you fee.
That's a very fine reasoning - to compare the life of a human being with a cloth we wear! I only hope (for your soul smile )that you don't really mean that. It's not just her body or right to vote, if so - then we can chose not to have anybody alive, if we just - "don't want". Mike didn'd want to have a brother like Fredo - why don't you say then that he had a right to kill his brother, it was his choice, his vote?
And don't be disgusted so much - it's too strong an emotion for internet lol Take care of your health. I'm pleased, in my turn, with your having so wery independent opinions, different from mine - and that of church... smile

keep your mouth shut, and your eyes open.