Originally posted by JustMe:
Kay will go to hell!
She is the most ugly charakter in the film!
She killed the unborn child who had never done any harm to anyone! And it was her own child! Michael, whom she accused of cruelty and murders, wold never think of such a thing! So she is the worst murderer of them all, most cruel and unpardonable! Hateful lousy brute. I regret he didn't kill her.

Amazing how, with all the coldblooded murderers throughout the entire trilogy, including Al Neri (who murdered a police officer to get to Barzini and a callgirl to set up Sen. Geary) and Luca Brasi (who threw a newborn into a furnace [novel] and was prepared to blow out the brains of a bandleader over a contract)...there are several who take on the ridiculous view of JustMe. That Kay is the worst of them all simply because of her abortion.

She did what she felt she had to do. It was a regretable decision...but it freed her from the virtual prison of being a Corleone wife.

And I think it was a damn good bit of drama.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.