Universal Soldier ** 1/2
(Second Viewing)

Luc Devreux and Andrew Scott are US soldiers who kill each other in Vietnam when Devreux interferes with Scott's slaughter of a friendly village. Listed as MIA, they are actually flash-frozen and shipped to a top-secret facility where a team of scientists turn the two, along with other select specimens, into super-soldiers known as "UniSols." While helping foil a terrorist takeover of the giant McKinley Dam, Devreux starts having flashbacks to his former life, and makes a break from his colleagues. The increasingly human Devreux teams up with TV reporter Veronica Roberts, while they are chased across much of the Midwest by Scott, and the police, who capture them long enough for Scott to find them. After a chase, thinking that they killed Scott in a truck crash, Veronica takes Devreux home to his parents in Louisiana, only to have Scott catch up with them for a brutal confrontation.

Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren work well together as "UniSols." I'm disappointed Dolph wasn't given more big action roles as I felt he could have been a big action star (maybe not the caliber of Schwarzenegger or Stallone, but definitely along the lines of Van Damme). It was also good to see a cameo from Tommy 'Tiny' Lister, whom people will remember as Deebo from the film Friday. Finally, Ally Walker was sensual as reporter Veronica Roberts and I wonder why her career never took over either?