Mientkiewicz Wants Pinstripes; Pirates Want Proctor

December 20, 2006 -- Doug Mientkiewicz would love to play for the Yankees, but if he doesn't, the free agent says another team is going to get a completely healthy first baseman.

"I am doing great," said Mientkiewicz, who underwent back surgery in late August to repair a herniated disc that invaded his nerve root.

"Everything is ahead of schedule. I am running and looking forward to next year."

Mientkiewicz, who has played for the Twins, Red Sox, Mets and Royals, hasn't heard directly from the Yankees but is aware they have an interest in him.

"There are other teams interested, but I would enjoy [playing for the Yankees]," the lefty-hitting Mientkiewicz said.

Oakland has expressed interest, and if Seattle deals Richie Sexson it likely would ask about the 32-year-old Mientkiewicz.

Mientkiewicz, who made $1.85 million last year when he played 91 games for the Royals, is looking for a one-year contract. That makes him more desirable to the Yankees than Shea Hillenbrand, who is seeking a multi-year deal. Mark Loretta's name also has surfaced in the puzzle to find a player who will turn Jason Giambi into a full-time DH.


Andy Pettitte underwent a physical yesterday, but plans for a Yankee Stadium news conference today have been scrapped. Pettitte has a family activity to attend in Texas.

Japanese lefty Kei Igawa is to undergo a physical today. Igawa has agreed to a five-year deal worth $20 million.


Unless the Yankees agree to give the Braves Melky Cabrera and Scott Proctor for Mike Gonzalez, a three-way deal including the Pirates won't happen.

Source: New York Post


That deal with Cabrera should not go down...if the goal is to strengthen our bullpen, why would we cut out one of our young cornerstones simply to acquire another? It makes no sense. I think that's the reason Cashman is rejecting this deal, because Cabrera for a young left-handed closer straight-up is a good deal, but adding Proctor in...they should be getting considerably more for a 22-year-old budding outfielder with increasing bat pop and arguably the most reliable middle reliever in the American League.