There is always a risk, Irish. Its like playing Russian Roulette. Either you're Clint Eastwood, or Christopher Walken.

Guys, you complain about the double-standard used against the Yanks.

May I ask, what would you prefer? That the Yanks be the "face" of American professional baseball in stature, dominance, and in victory, or let the Red Sox become that?

Its like being President. The monkey shit thrown at you the alpha-male, by the weaker beta-males, is only because the Yanks are on the top, and Red Sox/Dodgers/Phillies/Astros/etc. are NOT.

Red Sox fans, in their leadership role of the Anti-Yankee lobby, had the sympathetic factor in that their franchise hadn't won a title in several generations. I felt good when they won in 2004.

But now, without the sympathy, they reveal to be exactly like their Yankee fanbase adversaries: Loud, ignorant, obnoxious, retarded, and most of all, WHININING.

Yanks fans, its like being the Undisputed Heavyweight boxing champion of the world. Everyone else is gunning for you, and criticizing you as such. It comes with the territory. Accept it, and piss on those challengers when they fall in defeat.