Originally Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen
Originally Posted By: Don Sicilia
How sad.

The first time I saw him was in an episode of the X-Files. To date, his episode is probably the best X-Files episode I've ever seen. I think he even won an Emmy for his guest spot on that episode.

He did. I was interested in that. What was his role? And why was it so good?

It's been years since I've seen it but if I recall correctly, Mulder and Scully sought help from Peter Boyle's character, who was a psychic, to solve a murder case.

See here for more info:

Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose

It was a very dramatic and although I don't remember much of what happened, I do remember how I felt after watching it - "WOW. That's great acting. Who is this guy?" (not knowing who Peter Boyle was at the time).

Thanks for the recommendation, DC.