Originally Posted By: Ice
Originally Posted By: klydon1
EDIT--I have no problems with those who celebrate Jesus Christ as the son of God. Just show respect to those who do not.

I do show respect, but you don't show respect for Christians by referring to "this Jesus Christ character."

Am I offended by ppl who don't believe that science says the bible is wrong? Of course not.

And if they called me "this scientific observation character" I would not be offended at that either.

I don't have to show Jesus any respect when I am alone or around other Christians. While I personally would not disrespect Jesus in the presence of Christians there are those who would and they have the right. They have the right to disrespect him when they are alone OR in the presence of Christians b/c religion has been forced down ppl's throats throughout history. If Christians practiced it on their own time and did not try to 'convert' others as the bible instructs them then they would be free from insults.....As is they have pissed a lot of ppl off and so now we have guys wearing a 'Jesus is a c*nt' shirt.

You demand respect for yourself and your beliefs, but you go out of your way to offend and insult with crude, vulgar references. You've made my point.

Your comments are more immature than offensive.

Gee, I haven't seen the three morons wearing that shirt, but to listen to you, it sounds as though they outnumber people wearing crucifixes.