Originally Posted By: dontomasso

There are only about 1500 Al queada in Iraq, and they are responsible for the Mosque bombing and for the killing of 60 people today who were standing in the city at a place where they were looking for work (I thought when we killed that No. 2 Al Queda guy in Iraq this would end). They are also resopnsible for other atrocities, and they are keeping the Sunni-Shiite pot stirred more than it needs to be. If we wiped them all out there would still be a civil war,

If it works maybe he could have another aircraft carrier landing with one of those "Mission Accomplished" banners.

If you remove the insitigating terrorists, then maybe you can address the civil war issues, because as you said yourself, they keep stiring the pot more than it needs to be stirred. They, the terrorists are the ones that are responsible for most of the atrocities that are taking place. So I think that if you remove them, then we will be able to concentrate on dealing with the civil war.

As for the banner remark, well I don't see that it applies to what we are hoping to accomplish at this point. Those kinds of remarks only provoke the other side into raising some issues against things that have been said and done by the opposing political party faction. And we all know that no matter how much finger pointing or blaming that we do, it accomplishes absolutely nothing. It does not solve the problem, but only flames it.

Don't let this topic turn into another pissing match between us and them, or dems vs. repubs. Let's keep it going as one that provokes intelligent discussion and legitimate ideas from all sides.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.