Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Put it another way, Liman & Favreau's SWINGERS is to the west coast of California that Kevin Smith's CLERKS was for the East Coast of New Jersey. Sure one is about guys that crash parties nightly and quoting how cool Tarantino and Scorsese(notice the RESERVOIR DOGS and GOODFELLAS homage shots?) are, and the other is a black & white flick about slacker workers talking about contractor workers on the Death Star.

Yeah I did catch that and enjoyed them very much

Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
The reason why I'm busting your balls Irish is that, you have potential to be a very good critic. Hell, you've penned some decent quick-blurb reviews that are pretty fine. You've heavily improved once you started actually explaining your score-verdicts. But quit grading movies based on what people have said.

It could just be my "expectations" that get in the way again. For me, if I haven't seen a movie yet and someone recommends one (and I get a couple of opinions) and if they all say it's "great" or "really good" then I expect (there's that word again) a decent flick. This guy who recommended this movie to me knows me and should know my taste in movies. So for him to say, hey watch this, (and again, if everyone has nothing but positive things to say about it) it better be worth my time (because I have never had the desire to see it myself without them recommending it to me). I don't go in with the expectation that I'll love the movie, but I do expect to enjoy it (which I did with Swingers) but again, I never saw what so many people LOVED about this film and Borat. As I said in my review of Borat, I just don't see what all the hysteria was about. Maybe I'm just too against the "norm"? I expected to see a similar following to movies such as Sin City or V for Vendetta (my favorite movies the past 2 years) and Kill Bill had a similar following for a brief period of time. But sometimes, when everyone says I LOVED that movie, it's great; I for some reason usually don't agree with them. For example (and I've used these before) but I enjoyed Superman Returns more than Batman Begins and I liked Nacho Libre more than Napoleon Dynamite.