Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
month of Ramadan is holy because of receiving Quran, The celebration is actually the fest of Eid Al-Fetr, in which Muslims celebrate their endurance for keeping from sins and desires through the last month. Is lent a celebration/festival? Ramadan is somehow the same story.

Can you partake in celebrating Christmas? Sure you can.
Can I partake in celebrating Eid al-Fetr? Sure I can.

But please don't sit there and tell me that your celebrating Christmas has the same spiritual religious meaning to you, a Muslim, as it does to me, a Christian, because as a Christian, Eid al-Fetr does not have the same religious significance for me, as it does for you.

All I'm saying is that who could really define the true meaning of a certain holiday except for God?

You are welcome to join the feast of Fetr at our house. At the same time, I wouldn't be judging you, and tell you that you are not celebrating the true meaning of Fetr, because you may be doing something better according to the meaning of this feast, which none of us knows for sure. You might as well be better in the eyes of Allah/God than any Muslim who has been fasting the entire month.

In short, I don't get to define the true meaning of a holiday, nor do I get to say who celebrates it according to its true meaning and who does not.

A little story that we've been told in the school books as the example of such cases, involves Moses and a shepherd. Moses comes across a shepherd who is worshiping God in the most primitive form, almost as if God is a sheep. Moses instructs the shepherd for the right way that one should pray to God. Later God tell Moses that he made one of his favorite people self-conscious, so he does not pray as well as he used to do, and he loved the way he used to pray. I've no idea if this story has been mentioned in Torah or not, but true or false, there is such a deep meaning to it. And that's just something to remember when we all judge everybody else's way of praying/celebrating. Even Moses doesn't get to tell you how to pray, and Jesus tells you Judge not, that ye be not judged.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones