I have a similar feeling towards Clemens, mostly because he screwed the Yankees with his Favre-esque retirement bullshit, and then signed with Houston. I buy Pettitte the family man; Clemens, not so much. The Yankees may not even need Clemens if the rotation unfolds as well as it looks on paper, though I wouldn't doubt it if he ended up in pinstripes if only for a playoff run. If Boston signs Matsuzaka, then they probably won't shell out the cash to get Clemens. The Yankees and the Astros are the only viable option left, unless the Cubs rob another bank ( ) or the Texans get really, really good really, really fast.

Pettitte kind of got shat on when he left here. I would've liked to have had him stay, and they should have tried harder to keep him. It took his leaving and the loss of Jon Lieber to make the Yankees realize they can't let these guys go (which is probably why they worked Mussina so hard).
