Why are you so personal with your beef? Baseball is a business, and those 2 players left. Its a good thing that one(if not both) will return to the Bronx.

Yes, Jeter had a great GAme One....and then promptly did mistakes that were un-Jeter-istic, which put a crappy note on what otherwise was a totally MVP-worthy season.

What really worries me is how for the first time in years, there was almost hints of disgruntlement within the Yankee clubhouse...and its not just against A-Rod. Mussina himself all but saying that Jeter was held, to put it, out of reach of responsibility....really, Jeter needs to rectify that situation.

If A-Rod now has convinced me that he shoots blanks in the playoffs, Jeter can save the day and get Team Yankees back to work.

Everyone knows I don't exactly worship the Jeter Altar, but there is just a vast difference of today and that title-reign of years ago. In those title years, the Yanks didn't have the best players at certain positions, but they had such a team chemistry and so fucking solidified behind Jeter. If Paul O'Neil was the respected old man in the daily line-up, Jeter was the young captain that, unless I'm mistaken, never had discontent indirectly stated in interviews like of the last few years.

That is why Andy Pettite back in the clubhouse is a welcoming move that some Yankees fans don't seem to comprehend. Thankfully, DJ gets it. Hopefully, a man of the "Old Guard" himself, he'll get Team Yankees back behind Jeter, and for Jeter to sweep away the problems of last year.