Had the politicians and the powers in Washington allowed the military to fight a war the way a war is supposed to be fought, from the very beginning, we wouldn't be in the situation that we are in right now, wondering if we should surrender and quit to cut our losses. Politicians should NEVER make Battlefield decisions and instead they should allow the Generals and the Commanders to make them.

So now if we do as what's being suggested, and basically cut and run, then all those who died will have done so for nothing.

Who was it that said "America does not have the stomach to stay in the fight." Who said that?

I realize that we cannot go on continually losing young men and woman in a war where those we are trying to help refuse to take control of their own country and military. But I just cannot buy this cut and run surrender mentality. It is not the answer.

Send more troops in there and let them do the job correctly. No more of this politically correct war bullshit. The enemy fires upon us from within a Mosque, too bad, blow it to smithereens. Perhaps a National Curfew needs to be implimented in Iraq, and all citizens MUST be indoors by a certain time of the day. And anyone who is not indoors after that Curfew should be shot on sight.

The Iraq Study Group report is bullshit. It is political fodder. It is meaningless as far as I am concerned. Just another platform for political rhetoric.

The negative remarks by those in power who've done nothing but blast this war from the first day that our troops stepped foot in Iraq combined with the demand for our fighting the enemy with political correctness, have put our troops in the situation that they are in right now.

When we fought the first Gulf war, we sent in almost a half a million troops and we had a minimal amount of casualties.

Iraq is about 167,000 square miles. We sent in about 150,000 troops.

Kuwait is about 6800 square miles. We sent in about 500,000 troops.

You do the math.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.