A Scanner Darkly ***
(First Viewing)

The L.A. of a not-too-distant future suffers a surge of drug abuse involving a new ultra-addictive and eventually brain-damaging substance simply named "D". Bob Arctor is an undercover narc leading a double life, dutifully reporting to his superiors while effectively having abandoned whatever normal existence he had for a "D" user/dealer career. But this schizophrenic situation and the drug-induced memory and concentration lapses put Bob under mounting.

Visually this movie was AMAZING. I'd say it's probably up there with Sin City in terms of just eye-candy on the screen. Robert Downey Jr. however stole the show with his comidic outbursts and adrenaline lifestyle. He really worked well together with Woody Harrelson (they just feed off each other well). It was great to see Robert Downey Jr., Woody Harrelson and Winona Ryder working again (and on a meaningful project). Richard Linklater does not disappoint with this film!