Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe

A friend of mine said the other day that she "loves" to "celebrate" Christmas. However, she's Jewish. I told her that she loves to celebrate decorations and trees and exchanging presents, but that she does not celebrate Christmas. At first, she was offended, but then she agreed with me. I told her it was akin to my "celebrating" Passover because I like to sit down with those that I love and eat a big meal.

Whats the fuss about Jews "celebrating" Christmas? They're "celebrating" the birth of a fellow Jew.

I'm not Catholic but many of my friends are. Both of my wives were. I grew up in a "mixed" neighborhood and learned early on the wonders of Christmas. I liked them. I "celebrated" some of the tidings of the Christmas season like gift-giving and decorating my home. Is this the true reason to "celebrate"? No, but as an American exposed to other cultures/religions, etc., I feel totally comfortable in this.

There's nothing wrong in a non-Jew sitting down for a seder. Its a wonderful tradition dating back some 3,000 years. One doesn't have to believe in the teachings of the Old Testament to "celebrate" Passover. The same is true of "celebrating" Christmas (one doesn't need to believe the teachings of the New Testament). If everyone would be a little more tolerable of their neighbor's beliefs we'd all be much better off.

Catholics don't have the lock on Christmas. There are plenty more Christian sects that "believe". They make up 75% of our country's population. Like everyone is an Irishman on St. Patty's Day and everyone is an Italian on Columbus Day everyone has the right to "celebrate" Christmas despite differing religious beliefs.

I'm not very tolerant of those who scream that we should rename the season to "Happy Holidays" (to be more politically correct). FUCK THEM Backing out the number of Americans who designate themselves as non-religious, 9 out of 10 Americans are Christian based and celebrate Christmas. Thats reason enough, IMO, to keep it as "Merry Christmas".
