To each his own. But I do fail to see how this years team is a shell of last years team. And if I remember correctly last years team lost to texas, so by saying this years team is better than last years does not mean '06 OSU could beat '05 Texas. it maybe your assumption but I don't agree with that either. In fact I thought the OSU Texas game of '05 would be a good game but that OSU's inexperienced and inconsistant offense would be their downfall. Honestly last years team surprised the crap out of me. I didn't expect anything except maybe a Big Ten championship.

Unfortuantly I can't make you believe this without maybe sitting you down and having a cup of tea with the person I told it to. But my girlfriends brother is a Junior at OSU. His freshman year (2004) he asked me when he would have a chance to see an OSU team compete for a national title. I told him 2 years. Now I based this on Smith being a 3 year starter at QB (which I still get to gloat to my friends who swore Zwick was going to be the next Joe Montana) , still having the juniors that left last year, and the fact that Tressel's first true recruits would now be the leaders on the team.

And last years Texas team I didn't think was the best talent they have ever had. Young was just an amazing player who is displaying his talent in the NFL right now. His greatness was even able to overcome Mack Brown's yearly choking.

Don't award OSU the trophy so soon. we have over a month until the game is played a lot could happen. I mean grades come out in 2 weeks and you never know what some stupid booster is going to try and get away with perhaps screwing the team.

Business bad? Fuck you, pay me. Oh, you had a fire? Fuck you, pay me. Place got hit by lightning huh? Fuck you, pay me.