Originally Posted By: Don Alessandrio
why is last years team better? and if your reason is that you feel this year is a mediocre year in college football than no need to answer.

See this is why I have a headache arguing this w/ you guys. I could paste several other comments but this will do. I NEVER said this, in fact I stated the OPPOSITE. This is a mediocre yr in football b/c the #1 team(osu) would not have finished in the top 3 of last yr(texas,usc,osu).

Its really not possible to explain this to a biased fan, its just not b/c you want to think this team is something special, when it is text book obvious that they are (QUITE LITERALLY) a shell of last yr's team.

You are implying that this yr's team would beat Vince Young. Do you realize that? I told this to Goombah and he told me I put words into his mouth . But the fact is that if you guys say this yr's team is better than 05' then you must naturally think this yr's team would beat 05 Texas (who most know would have lost if not for the fu*k up of general Jim).

I just don't know why you guys are so hurt that this team is not that special. I understand you are biased, but you are gonna win it all, who cares if last yr's team was better??? You should have won it all last yr and then Troy Smith would have gone pro, instead you didn't and he's back to win it this yr. So whats the problem w/ that, OSU still gets a ring, come on.

(This yr's stats mean even less than stats usually mean b/c you played NO ONE(remember, Texas sucks this yr?) You played Michigan who shredded your amazing 'NO NAME DEFENSE' that is destined to go down in the annals of OSU lore. Go 'debate' this biased OPINION of yours on a fooball website plzzzzzzzzzz if you don't believe me, but first shed the scarlett and grey shades you have on )

NO MORE OSU FOOTBALL TALK FOR ME!! 2006 NATIONAL CHAMPIONS(thats all I have to say about the damn program!)