Originally Posted By: Beth E

Can you believe it? I know I can't.

No. Without breaking any confidences, I know you two corresponded virtually every day online. Paul and I would sometimes go three or four days without hearing from each other "towards the end". One of us would get worried and that always prompted a phone call to the other. Oh, how I miss that.

The last time I was hospitalized, Lori let the cat out of the bag and in fairly quick succession I got three calls from Cardi, Geoff and Paul. I can't even begin to tell you how good those calls made me feel. I can't even begin to tell you how I'll never forget the look on his face when I visited him in the hospital (his last time there) and the nurse woke him up to tell him he had a visitor. He opened his eyes from his drug induced sleep, slowly focused in on me and broke out into a wide grin and he mouthed my name.

Thats the one thing about memories... they stay with us forever. I'd trade them in a New York minute to have him back here with us.
