No I saw PRESTIGE...either I forgot to rate it here on the boards, or it just slipped out. It'll be on my top 10 list.

In fact....

THE PRESTIGE (2006) - ****

If that earlier magic movie with Norton and Giammati played by conventional populist terms, THE PRESTIGE is magical in that its a gripping tale of men in a time period, much like the 1960s, where anything seemed within the hands of science. Much less that the tale is a duel between two magicians that will have a rivalry across time, much like Jackman's later 2006 release THE FOUNTAIN, and will impact it as well.

This isn't the genre-impact maker that MEMENTO or BATMAN BEGINS is, but its much like Nolan's earlier INSOMNIA. That is, a pretty good movie that many movie buffs will take personally into their bossum for the calendar year of 2006.

With Nolan's entry of sorts into the "SteamPunk" of science fiction, I can't bloody wait for his THE PRISONER, which should be utterly fucking fascinating. Oh, and that Batman sequel. *cough*

P.S. - David Bowie's small role in the movie just ruled. Certainly Nolan casted him for Tesla in part to the really underrated THE MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH from Nick Roeg in the 1970s.