Miami Vice **

I liked the dark, the black, the night. The story line was not that good. Acting was decent, but not outstanding. I enjoyed watching this movie.

Casino Royale ***

Finally, a true Bond. I liked Sean Connery and Timothy Dalton as Bond, because they were bastards. And yet, they were cool.
Roger Moore was an ass, too queer. Brosnan was too 'stereotypically British', too sophisticated; and his stunts were over the top.

Now, about the new Bond. It wasn't over the top: no big weapons by Q (no Q at all, in fact), no invisible cars, no bazooka launchers on Vipers. In stead: a cardiac machine, and 2 be-u-ti-ful Aston Martins (especially the '64). What it did had was a good amount of fighting; a sober and cool, yet bastard Bond; and a damn exciting game of Poker. Don't forget an evil bad guy.

This film/actor can go straight in the Connery/Dalton league.

See, we can act as smart as we want, but at the end of the day, we still follow a guy who fucks himself with kebab skewers.