CLERKS 2 (2006) - **** (2nd Viewing)

Unbelievable. I first expected Kevin Smith to make an obvious cash-in sequel to his legendary-debut film. I mean JERSEY GIRL flopped, and doing a small and cheap CLERKS sequel would get him back in the good financial graces with the Weinstein Brothers.

Then I figured, Smith would make a fun movie, like DOGMA and JAY & SILENT BOB STRIKE BACK.

I don't believe it, Smith not only makes his best movie since CHASING AMY, but as well he brings back Randall Graves and Dante Hicks with a meaningful story that very well feels to be a fitting conclusion to the whole Jersey "View Askewverse" of Smith's.

We get the usuals from Smith. The pop culture diatribes and debates. The gross-out juvenile humor. Crazy f*cked-up circumstances that the characters become trapped in.

However, its the perception of age that makes CLERKS 2 special even within Smith's filmography. The climax of the thematic climax comes to ahead with the jail scene that definately will make for a well-earned happy ending. Seriously, I was impressed with Jeff Anderson in this sequence, especially since the man isn't a natural or even a frequent actor.

BTW, the movie is very quotable. "Pickle Fucker!", "Pillowpants?", the LOTR/STAR WARS argument, "you ugly fucking chud!", etc.

CLERKS 2, as it looks, will be #5 on my top 10 list for 2006.