...i was shocked at some of the more graphic sexually explicit stuff in the novel, especially the material surrounding the "reconstructive" work done to sonny's widow in vegas, boy did puzo really get into the details. hell, puzo even has an infant thrown into an oven! i expected heavy, boring literature. turned out it's trashy, fun, pulp. very fun. he went all the way with it. then i started thinking about when it was written, '69, and the entertainment from that era was pretty over the top. there were no ground balls with puzo's writing in the godfather. every hit, every passage of prose, he'd whack the ball out of the park. i got the impression the book was a direct love letter to hollywood, so salaciously and gruesomely written, he was begging someone to make it into a movie. if i had read it BEFORE the movie came out, i'd have been really looking forward to the film. it would have been a quite a task to adapt that book into a motion picture. and the interesting thing is, coppola made a pretty classy move, way more classy than the book (if the book i read is truly what came out in '69?). coppola took out all the overtly explicit stuff, toned it down and took away some of the more exploitative material...

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