41 films; 37 features; 25 first viewings; 20 on the big screen.
The Proposition
John Hillcoat 2005 Australia / UK 1st time; big screen
Back to the Future Part II
Robert Zemeckis 1989 US 1st time; DVD
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Tim Burton 2005 UK / US / Australia 2nd time; DVD
Monty Python's Life of Brian
Terry Jones 1979 UK 1st time; DVD
Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
Larry Charles 2006 US/UK 1st time; big screen
Romanzo criminale
Michele Placido 2005 Italy/UK/France/US 1st time; big screen
Back to the Future Part III
Robert Zemeckis 1990 US 1st time; DVD
Shi mian mai fu House of Flying Daggers
Yimou Zhang 2004 China/Hong Kong 1st time; DVD
Konec stalinismu v Cechách The Death of Stalinism in Bohemia
Jan Svankmajer 1990 UK 1st time; YouTube
Kárhozat Damnation
Béla Tarr 1987 Hungary 2nd time; DVD
Touch of Evil
Orson Welles 1958 US 2nd time; DVD
Gus Van Sant 2003 US 4th time; DVD
Wong Kar-wai 2004 France/Germany/Hong Kong/China 3rd time; DVD
Gus Van Sant 2001 US/Argentina/Jordan 3rd time; DVD
Grand Canyon
Lawrence Kasdan 1991 US 1st time; big screen
Garden State
Zach Braff 2004 US 2nd time; DVD
True Lies
James Cameron 1994 US 2nd time; big screen
Hana-bi Fireworks
Takeshi Kitano 1997 Japan 1st time; big screen
Le genou de Claire Claire's Knee
Eric Rohmer 1970 France 1st time; DVD
Federico Fellini 1969 Italy/France 1st time; DVD
Little Children
Todd Field 2006 US 1st time; big screen
The Prestige
Christopher Nolan 2006 US/UK 1st time; big screen
Banlieue 13 District 13
Pierre Morel 2004 France 1st time; big screen
Béla Tarr 1994 Hungary/Germany/Switzerland 1st time; DVD
Ingmar Bergman 1966 Sweden 3rd time; DVD
Meshes of the Afternoon
Maya Deren / Alexander Hammid 1943 US 1st time; big screen
Gently Down the Stream
Su Friedrich 1981 US 1st time; big screen
La strada The Road
Federico Fellini 1954 Italy 1st time; big screen
Shrek 2
Andrew Adamson / Kelly Asbury / Conrad Vernon 2004 US 2nd time; big screen
Les enfants du paradis Children of Paradise
Marcel Carné 1945 France 1st time; big screen
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Michel Gondry 2004 US 3rd time; DVD
Lost In Translation
Sofia Coppola 2003 US/Japan Nth time; DVD
Marie Antoinette
Sofia Coppola 2005 Japan/France/US 1st time; big screen
Casino Royale
Martin Campbell 2006 US/UK/CzechRepublic 1st time; big screen
Les hurdes Land without Bread
Luis Buñuel 1933 Spain 1st time; big screen
Festen The Celebration
Thomas Vinterberg 1998 Denmark 2nd time; big screen
David Cronenberg 1996 US/Canada 2nd time; big screen

Last edited by Capo de La Cosa Nostra; 12/02/06 10:36 AM. com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?