All of this baseball history talk and references to Ty Cobb reminded me of a story.

My late grandfather grew up with and was very good friends with a catcher for the Indians in the 1920's named Steve O'Neill, who told my father many years ago about a game in which he picked off Cobb on first base.

The next time Cobb came to the plate, he got set in the box with his eyes on the pitcher, and said, "You son of a bitch, you'll never do that again."

O'Neill replied, "You son of a bitch, you'll never step off the base on me again."

O'Neill's overall remarks about Cobb were consistent with those of the old timers who played with and against Cobb as recounted in the Ritter book. He was hateful, spiteful, crude, rude and surly...but the fiercest competitor ever seen.

Cobb is also known for making a fortune by investing heavily in Coca-Cola in the early days of the product's marketing in Georgia.