Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: Irishman12

Pete Rose is being kept out for cheating, so it has to make you wonder that they might keep Cobb out in present day America

I wouldn't put Rose in Cobb's class, but your point is well taken. Shoeless Joe Jackson WAS in Cobb's class and he STILL is banned from the HOF.

"Cheating" (or gambling) is different from a personal trait that really has nothing to do with the game (albeit a poor personal trait - racism).

What did Shoeless Joe Jackson do? I'm not familiar with him, just the name (I believe he played for the White Sox). Was he in the Black Sox scandel perhaps? Also, I agree that cheating is different from a personal trait and again, personal traits should not dictate who gets into the HOF and who doesn't. Evaluate what the men did on the field instead of who they are as human beings. Michael Irvin was a piece of sh*t but I bet he gets into the NFL HOF.