I don't think it really matters, if teh whole lot of them get in. Personally I think the baseball HOF is over rated. I think it is a bigger deal for the Baseball Writers of America than it is for the fans. With their whole I will vote for him but not on a first ballot maybe later bullcrap. How can the writers not give Cal Ripken or Tony Gywnn a unanimous vote for the Hall. Further more what happens when Griffey is eligible, is he going to get 93% of the votes? When he clearly deserves to be in the HOF.

Put Bonds, Big Mac, and Sosa in, we as fans know that every slugger from the 90's on has the steriod cloud over them.

While I am venting about the HOF, the voters should stop looking at the magic numbers to determine who is a HOF. Watch the game and you know. Palmerio is not HOF material. An above average player yes, but not elite during his time as a player. Same goes for The Crime Dog, Albert Belle, Bichette, and Mattingly.

Here is a criteria they should look at, if you haven't been in the top 5 for MVP voting at least 2 years or more you aren't good enough for the HOF.

Business bad? Fuck you, pay me. Oh, you had a fire? Fuck you, pay me. Place got hit by lightning huh? Fuck you, pay me.