Originally Posted By: ap_capone48101
If I had a vote, I would vote no. He took Andro which he even said he took it. Even though it wasn't banned in baseball at the time he still took things to get an advantage so that alone should net get him in.

But why, as you just said, Andro wasn't illegal at the time? You don't think other players take legal supplements to "get an advantage?"

goombah, "Although it was not illegal at the time, Big Mac made no attempt to hide the Andro in his locker. He was cheating, regardless of the fact that MLB was looking the other way at the time."

First let me start off by saying that I too believed McGwire cheated but I'm also positive he is not alone. If that is the case, why is Big Mac getting stuck with the bill? What about Sammy Sosa, Luis Gonzalez, Roger Clemens, Curt Schilling, etc?