Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
Oh my! Have you all been fooled... I've been reading this thread from the beginning sensing something fishy, and if there aren't some bans handed out here I will be surprised at the foolishness of the moderators.

At the same time I have to say... BRAVO! Mad Johnny, Double-J, and Fathersson! I'm impressed at how well your prank has gone! Starting with Mad Johnny's controversial messages, followed by Fathersson's defense of Mad Johnny (oh the controversy thickens!) and finally, after many "Oh no! Is Double-J dead!?"'s and "This had better not be a joke MJ!"'s, that sets up the perfect timing of Double-J coming back and saying "Oh I'm not dead!" while at the same time convering up for Mad Johnny's first post that would surely lead to another ban. Well done!

Aw c'mon. Third graders could do this. These clowns didn't exactly split the atom.

As for the reaction, I don't think the wool was pulled over the eyes. There was genuine doubt, but because the implication of the posts was that the well-being of a fellow member, for whom many members cared, was in peril (high stakes indeed), there was legitimate concern.

I was the victim of a similar "prank" when on a Sunday night I got a call that my brother was in surgery with head injuries after an accident. Yes, my mom and I rushed to the hospital in tears only to find that he wasn't there. We called other hospitals before finding out it was a "joke". Ha ha, you got me. So excuse me if I don't share the mirth.

If you think this was a funny prank, go yell "fire" in a theatre or call in a bomb scare.