The Punisher: The Extended Cut ***
(First Viewing)

Special agent Frank Castle had it all: A loving family, a great life, and an adventurous job. But when his life is taken away from him by a ruthless criminal and his associates, Frank has become reborn. Now serving as judge, jury, and executioner, he's a new kind of vigilante out to wage a one man war against those who have done him wrong.

Thomas Jane was a very good Punisher and John Travolta was passable as Howard Saint. However, probably the worst casting was James Carpinello as Bobby Saint. I felt he overacted and tried too hard to be a bad a$$. For some guys it just seems to come natural and it felt forced from him. However, Ben Foster was the surprise scene stealer as Dave who added a nice bit of comic relief alongside John Pinette as Bumbo. Finally, Laura Harring was enjoyable for the very minor role she was given. Bring on the sequel!