Originally Posted By: fathersson
Would someone pass me a crying towel. I am so sick of a one race of people playing the race card, that it makes me sick.

People should stop making excuses over what happened to people hundred of years ago. OH MY, some poor word is keeping us from living our lifes...Horseballs.

Tell that to every superstar who is making millions. It isn't keeping them down now is it.

People shouldn't let a lousy word stop them from living their life. It only stops you if YOU let it.

Wow, I can't believe I'm writing this, but yes, I ACTUALLY agree with fathersson here. People today are too soft and too easily offended. People complain just to complain today and it's only going to get worse before it's gets better. Everybody is always up in your business and willing to sue someone else at the drop of a hat. What the f*ck is this world coming to!?