DC, you tried to hack what I stated. You, and this is fact, are trying to change Palestinians from humans to less than human. You called them "barbarians." In fact, they are humans. Logically, because they are humans, you're argument falls apart because it is based on them being non-human.

I never ever stated that they are right in what they are doing. Again, this is an attempt on your part to intentionally misintepret me.

Ever think that the ideas you are promoting were "instilled and inbreaded" in you from birth?

Let's just have all the Irish Catholics in America go back to Ireland and take it over, set up a new government and oppress the local people.

Officially the victim/target of the first and third Non-Aggression Pact attacks #2 is Fathersson # 4 is Double-J

Proud Member of the Gangster BB Bratpack - Fighting Elitism and Ignorance Since 2006

Double-J: may you serve us better from above, smile on from heaven
