Originally Posted By: Don Vercetti
Why don't you ever let something go? Let go your 9/11 conspiracies maybe? What do I have to let go?

Well one thing you can let go is coming into my threads solely to slander(you generally don't even post actual words). Others may slander in there too but the difference is that they become as eager as 3 yr olds holding their bladder and simply can't resist blurting out historical facts. These contribute to everyone's knowledge. You don't bring sh*t to the party.

And plz understand that if you go to school in American w/ black ppl then you have classmates who's grandparents were strung from trees. This is VERY relevant to this particular conversation and it is certainly not 'unfucking believable' that I bring it up. Especially since ya know......Micheal Richards decided to......'bring it up.'

And these laws you speak of which supposedly prevent white people from 'suing' black ppl for hate crimes? I don't know which laws those are but I can guarantee you they were written by white people. I guess the white law makers who wrote those laws have learned to deal w/ this 'double standard' you speak of, you should too.

(Bring on the fart jokes! )

Last edited by Ice; 11/24/06 05:21 AM.