Not really Capo.

Sure, Ridley Scott is one of my favorite directors.

But fuck, when that project was announced, and I read the plot synopsis...I didn't know what to think. A drama? A romantic drama?

Its like with Scott's AMERICAN GANGSTER, which potentially could be good. Good cast, good material to work with, etc.

A GOOD YEAR on the otherhand, I had nothing.

So how the f*ck can that be expectations?

Oh and Irish, pleeeeeeeeeeeeease. You can't help yourself? You forgot a rule I PMed you to learn months ago:

"The only critic worth a true shit to you that you can totally trust, is you."

I love my Dad, but his taste in movies was like Vietnam: A Mess. Can any of you suckahs say the same about your parents?

However, with people that I know have taste in movies, I take under advisement and at least try to read into what Capo, DV, Mike Sullivan, Hagen, etc., say. Those guys I sometimes totally agree with, and sometimes we're polarized (like me and Capo on SCARFACE, or me and Hagen on ROLLERBALL, for example).

My point being, those guys know their movies, but the only critic that truely knows for sure to digest what they've seen, is YOU.

Poor Irish, he's the guy that'll break under interrogation by me with simply a mighty rope jolt to the balls!