I'll be at my daughter's house, but I am doing the cooking. Usually by Thanksgiving I am looking forward to preparing the meal. I must admit, I pretty much make the same fixins' each year. Yams, as well as mashed potatos/gravy, baked greenbean/mushroom side dish, dinner salad, and I always make a cranberry/strawaberry jello that my son-in-law really likes.

I made a couple pumpkin pies, and both my girls will be making a dessert as well and an appetizer. Of course the appetizers are always a must as well. My sons-in-laws prefer the standard cheese/crackers/sausage/chips/dip. My girls and I like stuffed mushrrooms, fried/breaded eggplant/floured & fried caulifour.

I always tell my girls, bring lots of containers to bring leftovers home in. There's always way to much food, but I'd rather have it that way. I'd be concerned if someone took the last piece of turkey. I'd wonder if everyone got enough to eat. Of course, that's never happened thankfully!!


Apple, my prayers with your mother. Hope it is not serious.

"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon